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As part of Aspiring Barristers' Mentoring Scheme, aspiring student barristers are paired up with a volunteer barrister one a one-on-one basis to form a mentorship. The formal mentorship lasts for the duration of 6 months.
The purpose of the scheme is to provide mentees with tailored support and advice from their mentor who is already practising in their area of interest.*
Aspiring student barristers who would like to seek a mentorship should email Aspiring Barristers at requesting a mentor and include their 3 preferred areas of law in order of preference. Prospective mentees are asked to include 'Mentoring Scheme' as the email subject line and to clearly state their Aspiring Barristers Membership number when sending their request.
*Please note that this may not always be possible. Where this happens the mentee will instead be paired up with a barrister practising in a different area of law.
Participation in the Mentoring Scheme is available exclusively for Aspiring Barristers Members only.
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